

    Adding MDX to this Blog with Server Components

    I thought this was going to be easier, but it got pretty difficult once I wanted to add Syntax highlighting.

    Here is a snippet on how I ended up doing it, I dropped the built in Next support since I wasn't getting the results I wanted.

    This component fetches the blog post content as an string, then compiles the mdx using next-mdx-remote/rsc

    import compileMDX from '@/lib/compileMDX';
    export default async function blog(props: Props) {
      const id = props.params.id;
      if (id == null) {
        return null;
      const source = await getBlogPost(id);
      const { content } = await compileMDX(source);
      return <div>{content}</div>;

    I added this function to wrap the compileMDX from the package, to have a single source of truth around the options.

    export default async function compileMDX(source: MDXRemoteProps['source']) {
      return await compileMDX_INNER({
        components: getMDXComponents(),
        options: {
          mdxOptions: {
            remarkPlugins: [],
            rehypePlugins: [[rehypePrettyCode, rehypeOptions]],

    Finally getMDXComponents() just returns and object with components such as p, h1, etc.

    Now you are seeing the beautiful result of adding these code blocks!!